Beginner's Guide to Getting a Tattoo

Minggu, 27 Juli 2008 23.40

The main concern when thinking about getting a tattoo should be finding something that you really like as well as the location on your body. Keep in mind that this will be with you for the rest of your life, so you must be comfortable with this decision.

Custom tattoos tend to be more expensive and time consuming because they demand the artist to pay closer attention to the detail and design. In addition, it is a design that they have never done before. Simple, more common designs are generally less expensive and take less time.

Another aspect of the design to consider is color or black. Black tattoos are very attractive because they tend to stand out more on the skin due to more of a contrast. Color tattoos generally are more expensive but there can be more creativity involved because the possibilities are endless with color.

The location of the tattoo is key. You must consider some things when thinking of location. Will others see it easily? Do I want this to be easily seen by others? Do I want it in more of a private place so only those close to me would view it? Which body parts hurt more than others?

Generally, places that have thinner skin tend to hurt more. These places include, but are not limited to, due to differences in all of our bodies, the ankles, head and the lower back. Less painful places include the upper arm, back of the shoulder and the chest.

Dragon Tattoos

Selasa, 22 Juli 2008 00.29

Dragons are one of the most popular mythological creatures. The descend from various legends, telling tales of fire-breathing, winged creatures.

Especially the long and flexible dragon, who descends from japanese tattoo traditions, is one of the most popular tattoo motives. Due to his shape he practically fits on every part of the body. Covering full backs, winding himself around arms or coiling up on the chest of the carrier.

In the western culture the dragon, according to the snake, symbolizes evil and has to be fought therefore. Different the japanese dragon which is called Oni and stands as a symbol of luck. The japanese dragon has its roots in the chinese mythology. He was said to live in the skies and had the ability to bring out the rain which was of big importance for the rice cultivation.

The dragon reached japan as a live spending water symbol due to the close cultural connection between china and japan where he is highly honored and admired. It is important to keep him happy because after all he could easily cause a seaquake if begrudgingly. One of the most famous and most tattooed dragon legends, aside the display of the buddhistic gods of wind and thunder (Fu-jin and Rai-jin) who are riding the dragons, is the Tamatori Hime.

The art of tattoo

Rabu, 09 Juli 2008 21.44

Kata “tato” berasal dari kata Tahitian / Tatu, yang memilki arti : menandakan sesuatu. Rajah atau tato (Bahasa Inggris: tattoo) adalah suatu tanda yang dibuat dengan memasukkan pigmen ke dalam kulit. Dalam istilah teknis, rajah adalah implantasi pigmen mikro. Rajah dapat dibuat terhadap kulit manusia atau hewan. Rajah pada manusia adalah suatu bentuk modifikasi tubuh, sementara rajah pada hewan umumnya digunakan sebagai identifikasi.

Rajah merupakan praktek yang ditemukan hampir di semua tempat dengan fungsi sesuai dengan adat setempat. Rajah dahulu sering dipakai oleh kalangan suku-suku terasing di suatu wilayah di dunia sebagai penandaan wilayah, derajat, pangkat, bahkan menandakan kesehatan seseorang. Rajah digunakan secara luas oleh orang-orang Polinesia, Filipina, Kalimantan, Afrika, Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan, Mesoamerika, Eropa, Jepang, Kamboja, serta Tiongkok. Walaupun pada beberapa kalangan rajah dianggap tabu, seni rajah tetap menjadi sesuatu yang populer di dunia.

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, tato berarti gambar (lukisan) pada bagian (anggota) tubuh. (WikiPedia)

The art of tatto
Menyajikan contoh-contoh tato yang bisa anda ambil sebagai koleksi ataupun untuk dilukis pada bagian tubuh anda. Beberapa contoh tatto merupakan saduran dari beberapa E-book dan sebagain ada yang di edit untuk diperhalus ataupun di kreasi ulang. Untuk pengelompokan model dipisahkan dalam beberapa tag atau label yang bisa anda liat.

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